Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World

The Times
The Telegraph
London Theatre Reviews

London Theatre
Whats On Stage
Musical Theatre Review

The Times

The Telegraph

London Theatre Reviews

Musical Theatre Review

‘Spectacular. High energy and full of colour and comedy‘ – Fairy Powered Productions

‘Full of absolute bangers’ – Theatre Weekly

‘Enormously Entertaining’ – Daily Express

‘An unapologetic joy’ – Evening Standard
Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World is set to take the roof off The Other Palace this summer.
The award-winning musical from the producer of SIX and the No.1 songwriters behind Girls Aloud and Miley Cyrus returns to London, for 7 weeks only, in this empowering ‘pop-fuelled, upbeat’ (The Times) hit, starring some of herstory’s greatest icons.
From explorers to artists, scientists to secret agents, the stories of women who shaped our world are raised up with feelgood music and choreography that packs a pop-star punch – prepare to move and be moved!

‘Spectacular. High energy and full of colour and comedy‘ – Fairy Powered Productions

‘Full of absolute bangers’ – Theatre Weekly

‘Enormously Entertaining’ – Daily Express

‘An unapologetic joy’ – Evening Standard
Join Jade as she breaks away from her group and finds herself in the Gallery of Greatness, where she meets the incredible wonder women: Frida Kahlo, Rosa Parks, Marie Curie and Emmeline Pankhurst to name just a few.
Celebrated dramatist Chris Bush (Standing at the Sky’s Edge, Gillian Lynne Theatre) and Miranda Cooper adapt the bestselling book by Suffragette relative Kate Pankhurst (and published by Bloomsbury). With music by Miranda Cooper and Jennifer Decilveo and direction by Amy Hodge.

“Incredibly inspirational, a battle call to women everywhere” – Liverpool Echo
Georgia Grant-Anderson
Elena Breschi
Meg Hateley
Charlotte Jaconelli
Anelisa Lamola
Aaliyah Monk
Summer Priest
Rachel Seirian
Audra Cramer
Nicola T. Chang
Isis Dunthorne
Author: Kate Pankhurst
Stage Adaptation: Chris Bush
Lyrics: Chris Bush & Miranda Cooper
Music: Miranda Cooper & Jennifer Decilveo
Director: Amy Hodge
Set and Costume Designer: Joanna Scotcher
Choreographer: Dannielle ‘Rhimes’ Lecointe
Lighting Designer: Zoe Spurr
Co-Sound Designers: Carolyn Downing & Rob Bettle
Orchestrations and music production: Jennifer Decilveo
Live Arranger: Jen Green
Musical Supervisor and Musical Director: Audra Cramer
Book tickets for £23.50 each for 10+ school groups and get the 11th for free. The offer excludes Saturday 2pm performances and Sunday 12pm performances.
Please contact our Box Office on 020 7592 0302 for details.
This production continues to support the new writing development fund at The Other Palace. 50p from each ticket sold on all future productions in the main house, will be allocated to a ringfenced fund specifically to support the development of new writing and emerging playwrights.