Terms & Conditions

Reviewed 20 October 2022


  • Event” means an entertainment event held at the Venue for which We have the right to sell you Tickets
  •  “Tickets” means a printed voucher giving You the right to attend an Event
  •  “Promoter” means the person, organisation or company staging the Event
  • “Venue” means the location or facility where the Event is being held
  • “We” means The Other Palace owned and operated by Entertainment Theatres Ltd as part of Bill Kenwright Ltd. “Us” and “Our” shall be read accordingly.
  • “You” means You or anybody who in our reasonable opinion is acting with Your authority or permission. “Your” shall be read accordingly.
  • “Patrons” means other Ticket holders at the Event
  • “Group” means group organisers, charities, or other organisations that We have agreed to sell to knowing that the Tickets are intended for resale.


All Tickets are sold subject to availability and in line with these terms and conditions. These terms and conditions should be read prior to purchase. Any queries should be raised prior to the purchase of Tickets as purchasing a Ticket constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions.

Your Ticket may be invalidated if it is altered or defaced in any way and may result in refusal of admittance to the Event.

It is Your responsibility to check Your Tickets as We cannot be held responsible for any mistake made on Your part when booking Tickets. No exchange or refund may be offered.

We cannot be held responsible for lost, damaged or stolen Tickets. It is not always possible for Us to issue duplicate Tickets. If duplicate Tickets are offered, a reasonable administration charge may be levied.

Where a concession is claimed, proof of identity and concession entitlement may be required.

For shows which expressly permit children under the age of four, seating will not be allocated for babes in arms (those under the age of 2) who can attend with an adult with a valid ticket.

It is your responsibility to assess the suitability of an Event for children where no official age restriction applies


The advertised price of the Ticket is the price You pay and is not subject to any further charges except for optional extras.

The price of the Ticket shall be the price set at the time We accept Your order.
The Venue reserves the right to change the price of Tickets and/or introduce discounts/special offers which cannot be retrospectively applied.

Advertised discounts are subject to availability and therefore may not be available at all times. Advertised discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or promotion.

Concession/discounted Ticket prices must be applied for at the time of purchase and cannot be retrospectively applied. Proof of entitlement may be requested at any point during the booking process or upon admission to the Event. Failure to produce proof of entitlement may invalidate the Ticket and result in refusal of admittance or ejection from the Venue.


Under any circumstances you are offered an account credit, this account credit will be valid for a total of 12 months from the date of processing.

Gift vouchers can be redeemed in full or as part purchase for Tickets in person at the box office

Tickets may be reserved by phone for payment by Gift Voucher. Our standard terms for reservations apply.

Gift Vouchers cannot be redeemed online.

Gift Vouchers are valid for a total of 12 months from the date of purchase.

Gift Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash or refunded.


By default, all Tickets are available as electronic ‘print at home’ tickets which are delivered via email and can either be printed out or displayed clearly for scanning on a smart phone or similar device upon arrival at the venue.

Tickets are also available for collection from the Box Office from 1 hour before the show. The card used to purchase the Tickets must be presented as identification. If this is not possible then a printed confirmation may be shown.


Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded after purchase unless the Event is cancelled, abandoned, rescheduled or where there is a material change to the Event. A material change is a change which, in the Our reasonable opinion, would make the Event materially different to the Event that the purchaser of the Ticket could reasonably expect and would include a change to the advertised headline act (in the case of a comedy or music act) or the staging of a different production (in the case of a theatrical show).

A cast change, the use of understudies, a change to a support act or an alteration to the running times does not constitute a material change. We cannot offer refunds or exchanges if cast members, whether advertised or not, are unable to perform due to illness or unforeseen circumstances.

If a show has been cancelled, We will make every effort to contact You. It is therefore highly important We have up-to-date contact details for You so We can make You aware of any cancellations or changes.
Refunds shall only be made to the person who purchased the Tickets and when possible, be made using the same method as was used to purchase the Tickets except at our discretion, where payment was made by cash.

If an Event is cancelled, you will be refunded the face value of the Tickets and any associated charges paid, including postage.

In the case of a postponed/rescheduled Event, You will be offered Tickets of the same value for the new date/time, subject to availability. Where it is not possible to offer Tickets of the same value alternative Tickets may be offered and the difference refunded or charged. Should You not wish to accept these Tickets then a refund can be obtained for the face value of the Tickets and any associated charges paid,(where this was the sole Ticket purchase).

To claim Your refund, in any of the above circumstances, please apply in writing to Us enclosing Your unused Tickets within 30 days of the date of the Event.
We run a waiting list for all Sold Out performances, therefore should You have tickets to a sold out performance that You are unable to use, We may be able to resell these on Your behalf. No resale is guaranteed, and all resales will be subject to an administration fee.
If You are unable to attend a show for reasons beyond Our control, then no refund will be given. If You are unable to travel to an Event (for example, due to bad weather, or transport issues) but the Event still takes place then no refund will be given.

Any comments or complaints, including but not limited to the view from a seat or the audibility of the performance should be made promptly to the Duty Manager before or during the performance.

These Terms and Conditions do not and shall not affect Your statutory rights as a consumer. For further information about Your statutory rights contact Citizens advice, Consumer direct or the department for business innovation and skills.


A valid Ticket must be produced to gain entrance to an Event for all Patrons regardless of age.

Unless a performance is expressly stated to permit entry to children under the age of four, children under the age of four are not permitted to enter the auditoriums but are welcome in the foyer.

When purchasing a child Ticket, all children must be able to sit unaided in their own seats. In the interests of other customer, parents or guardians may be asked to remove noisy or disruptive children.

Children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult of 18+ years at all times whilst at our Venue.

You must keep Your Tickets with You at all times as failure to produce a valid Ticket at any point during Your visit may result in expulsion from the auditorium.

By purchasing Tickets the purchaser agrees to these terms and conditions on behalf of themselves and their guests. The purchaser shall at all times be responsible for their guests’ compliance with these terms and conditions.

Ticket holders only have a right to a seat of the value corresponding to that stated on the Ticket and the Venue reserves the right to provide alternative seats to those stated on a Ticket.

All Tickets remain the sole property of the Venue.

The management reserve the right to refuse Ticket holder’s admission to the Venue in reasonable circumstances including for health & safety, licensing reasons or where a Ticket is void. The Venue reserves the right to refuse Ticket holders admission, or to eject them at any point, if in the Venues reasonable opinion they; are acting in an aggressive or threatening way; are using threatening, abusive or insulting language; appear to be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs; may detract from the enjoyment of other Patrons; fail, when requested to produce proof of age; fail to comply with instructions given by the Venues staff; or are found to be in breach of these terms and conditions or statutory law. No refunds will be given to Ticket holders who are refused entry or ejected due to their own behaviour as suggested in, but not limited to, the examples above.

The Venue reserve the right to refuse re-admission. If You wish to re-enter You must check with the Venue staff before You exit.

Latecomers will be admitted at the first suitable opportunity as agreed with the Promoter, which may be the interval. For some Events late admission cannot be guaranteed and exchanges or refunds for an alternative performance will not be permitted.

Please note that some productions include swearing and nudity and that strobe lighting, smoke effects and gunshots are also sometimes used.

Any comments or complaints, including but not limited to the view from a seat or the audibility of the performance should be made promptly to the Duty Manager before or during the performance.


The unauthorised resale or attempted resale of a Ticket is prohibited. The Venue accepts no responsibility for the validity of Tickets purchased from unauthorised agents.

The Venue reserves the right to conduct security searches and to confiscate any items, which in the reasonable opinion of the Venue staff, may breach our venue licence, may cause danger or disruption to the Event or other Patrons, or which the performers or their representatives have specifically requested are prohibited. If You do not permit a search to be undertaken, You will not be admitted to the building. Glass bottles (glass of any kind) may not be brought into the building. The venue does not have a cloakroom available, therefore we would advise making use of the left luggage facilities at Victoria Station for the storage of large items such as suitcases. Bags measuring up to 40cm x 30cm x 15cm are able to enter the auditorium. The Venue thanks customer in advance for their co-operation in helping us to ensure the safety of all customers.
The use of equipment to record or transmit audio and/or visual inside the venue is strictly forbidden. Unauthorised recording devices including mobile devices may be confiscated.

The Venue does not accept any liability or responsibility for the loss or damage of any personal property (to the fullest extent permitted by law).

Mobile phones, pagers, digital watches, laser pens or any other electronic equipment should be disabled when inside the auditorium to avoid disturbing the performance or event and other customers. Those who do not comply and disrupt the enjoyment of the Event for other Patrons may be ejected from the Venue without refund.

By attending the Event all Patrons give their consent to filming, photography and sound recording of themselves as members of the audience. The Venue and/or Promoter will own the copyright to such films/photographs/recordings for any purpose, including commercial purposes, without payment or further notification.

Only food and drink purchased at the Venue may be consumed on the premises, unless items are required on proven medical grounds.

The company reserves the right to refuse to serve alcohol to any customer that appears to be intoxicated and to ask for proof of age prior to serving any alcohol. Look under 25? Be Prepared To Show ID!


If any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be void or unenforceable, such provision shall be severed from the remainder of these terms and conditions which shall remain in full force and effect.

We will not be responsible for any injury, loss, theft or damage to Your personal belongings, other than that caused as a result of negligence or other breach of statutory duty. Personal arrangements, including but not limited to travel, accommodation and subsistence relating to the Event are made entirely at Your own risk and We will not be liable for any losses incurred from these arrangements.

These terms and conditions are governed by English Law and any disputes which may arise with us are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of English Courts.
