Escape Room: The Musical / To Be A Prince 

14 June 20:00
Tickets from £18.00
Running time 2 hours 10 minutes
Age recommendation 12+
Trigger warnings Loud Sounds, Strong Language 




Written and Composed by Tom Rolph, Michael Rincon and Joe Sartin

Come along to watch previews of two original musicals heading up to the Edinburgh Fringe this August. One is a a Disney-style one-man show and the other is a brand-new musical about 6 friends who are tricked into reuniting at the debut Fringe performance of Escape Room: The Show.

To Be A Prince

For as long as there has been the fairytale Princess, there has been the fairytale Prince. But, this Prince feels like he hasn’t been getting the attention he deserves. Never feeling like his wishes come true. Follow the Prince on his journey as he sings his very own songs and complains about what his life could be. Before maybe realising that his place in the story isn’t so bad after all.

Escape Room: The Musical

A new comedy musical! Six college friends are tricked into reuniting at the debut performance of Escape Room: The Show. They must work out why, whilst trying to escape the room in front of you, the audience. Watch as their old issues resurface and new problems reveal themselves. Original songs, crazy characters and puzzling puzzles a-plenty.

All proceeds from this performance will support the future endeavours of these shows.

To Be A Prince 
Cast & Creatives

Tom Rolph as The Prince
Joe Sartin as The Genie
Lizzy Monds as Princess One
Naomi Park as Princess Two
Amy Smith as Princess Three
Will Bartlett as Ensemble
Nora Shields as Ensemble
James Warner as Ensemble
Tom O’Brian  as Ensemble

Writer, Composer, Musical Director: Tom Rolph
Writer, Composer: Michael Rincon
Writer, Composer : Joe Sartin

Escape Room: The Musical
Cast & Creatives

Issie Roll as Olivia
Lizzy Monds as Max
Dennis Hughes as Johnny with a Hat
James Taylor as Johnny
Emily Holland as Poppy
Hermione Lester as Ellie
Félix Marceau as Pierre

Writer, Composer, Director , Musical Director: Tom Rolph
Writer, Composer, Musical Director : Michael Rincon 
Choreographer: Hermione Lester
Choreographer: Naomi Park

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Read about the measures and steps we’re taking to ensure you the safest visit possible, and what help we need from you to help us do that…
